This reference just barely touches the surface of a very deep and living tradition that has connected billions of believers around the world for the past 2,000 years. Each element has roots in Scripture and early Christian practice, embodying the continuity of faith.
Catholic, derived from Latin, means ‘Universal’. It is the Universal Church that with the Holy Spirit was founded by Jesus when He appointed Saint Peter as the Rock or 1st Pope. Jesus thereby established the papal office that continues to this day. The Christian Church remains rooted in the ancient teachings of Christ, including the doctrine of His real presence in the Eucharist.
At its core, the Mass is a representation of the Last Supper and the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. It’s a time when Catholics come together in reverence to listen to God’s Word, offer prayers, and receive the Eucharist—the Body and Blood of Christ. The Mass is divided into two main parts:
- The Liturgy of the Word
- The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Each section is composed of various rites and ceremonies that together create a holistic worship experience.
We gather in the church, silently and with reverence, preparing our hearts for worship.
Entrance Procession
- What Happens: The priest and other ministers process toward the altar while an entrance hymn is sung.
- Significance: Symbolizes the journey of the faithful toward God and sets the tone for worship.
- What Happens: The priest greets the congregation with words like “The Lord be with you.”
- Significance: Establishes a communal bond and invokes God’s presence among the people.
Penitential Act
- What Happens: The congregation reflects on their sins and asks for God’s mercy, often reciting the Confiteor (“I confess…”) or the Kyrie Eleison (“Lord, have mercy”).
- Significance: A moment of purification, preparing hearts to receive God’s Word and the Eucharist.
- What Happens: A hymn of praise, “Glory to God in the highest,” is sung.
- Significance: Echoes the angels’ song at Jesus’ birth, praising God’s glory and mercy.
Collect (Opening Prayer)
- What Happens: The priest gathers the prayers of the faithful into one and offers them to God.
- Significance: Concludes the introductory rites and leads into the Liturgy of the Word.
We listen to readings from the Bible.
First Reading
- What Happens: A passage from the Old Testament is read.
- Significance: Connects the congregation to the history of God’s people and His promises.
Responsorial Psalm
- What Happens: A psalm is sung or recited, with the congregation responding.
- Significance: A meditative response to the First Reading, allowing reflection on God’s Word.
Second Reading
- What Happens: A passage from the New Testament Epistles is read.
- Significance: Offers teachings and insights from the early Christian communities.
Gospel Acclamation
- What Happens: The “Alleluia” is sung (except during Lent), preparing the congregation to hear the Gospel.
- Significance: Acknowledges the importance of Christ’s words.
Gospel Reading
- What Happens: A reading from one of the four Gospels.
- Significance: Central to the Liturgy of the Word, sharing the life and teachings of Jesus.
- What Happens: The priest or deacon delivers a sermon reflecting on the readings interpreting them for our understanding.
- Significance: Helps the congregation apply God’s Word to their lives.
Profession of Faith, a statement of our core beliefs (The Nicene Creed)
- What Happens: The Nicene Creed or Apostles’ Creed is recited.
- Significance: Affirms the fundamental beliefs of the Catholic faith.
Prayer of the Faithful (General Intercessions)
- What Happens: Prayers are offered for the Church, the world, the needy, and the local community.
- Significance: Expresses the communal concerns and compassion of the faithful.
The most important part of the Mass, where bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.
Preparation of the Altar and Gifts
- What Happens: The altar is prepared, and members of the congregation bring forward the bread and wine.
- Significance: Represents the offering of ourselves and our lives to God.
Prayer over the Offerings
- What Happens: The priest prays that God will accept the gifts.
- Significance: Seeks God’s blessing on the offerings, making them worthy for the Eucharistic sacrifice.
This is the heart of the Mass, consisting of several key parts:
- What Happens: The priest leads a prayer of thanksgiving, praising God.
- Significance: Sets the context for the Eucharistic Prayer, acknowledging God’s holiness.
Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus)
- What Happens: The congregation sings “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts…”
- Significance: Joins the worship of heaven and earth, echoing the angels’ praise.
- What Happens: The priest recites the words of Jesus at the Last Supper, transforming the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
- Significance: The moment of Transubstantiation, the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Mystery of Faith
- What Happens: The congregation proclaims the mystery of faith, such as “We proclaim your Death, O Lord…”
- Significance: Acknowledges the mystery and significance of Christ’s sacrifice.
- What Happens: Prayers are offered for the Church, the Pope, the clergy, and the departed.
- Significance: Connects the Eucharistic celebration with the universal Church.
Doxology and Amen
- What Happens: The priest concludes the Eucharistic Prayer with praise to the Trinity, and the congregation responds with a resounding “Amen.”
- Significance: Affirms the prayer and glorifies God.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist continues when the faithful prepare themselves.
The Lord’s Prayer
- What Happens: The congregation prays the Our Father together.
- Significance: Unites the faithful in the prayer Jesus taught, preparing hearts for Communion.
Sign of Peace
- What Happens: Members of the congregation exchange a gesture of peace.
- Significance: Expresses reconciliation and unity before receiving the Eucharist.
Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)
- What Happens: The “Lamb of God” is sung or recited as the Host is broken.
- Significance: Acknowledges Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb who takes away sins.
- What Happens: The faithful receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
- Significance: The pinnacle of the Mass, fostering intimate union with Jesus.
Prayer After Communion
- What Happens: The priest prays that the benefits of the Eucharist will remain in the hearts of the faithful.
- Significance: Seeks God’s grace to live out the implications of Communion.
The sending forth that occurs is not an end but a beginning, a commission to take what we’ve received and share it with the world.
- What Happens: The priest blesses the congregation.
- Significance: Imparts God’s grace and protection as the faithful prepare to return to the world.
- What Happens: The priest or deacon sends the congregation forth with words like “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.”
- Significance: Emphasizes that the Mass continues through the actions of the faithful in daily life.
The priest and servers leave the altar and lead the people out into the world.
The Mass is not a mere gathering but a sacred encounter with God. It enriches our spiritual lives and strengthens us to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world while it deepens our relationship and love of God in the process.
For God’s Glory.