Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.

Saint Vincent Ferrer

“Whatever you do, think not of yourself, but of God.”

Vincent Ferrer’s mother experienced only joy and painlessness during her expectancy and his father had a prophetic dream in which a Dominican preacher appeared and told him he would have a son whose fame would be world-renowned. As such, excitement foreshadowed his birth in 1350. In addition, a poor blind woman predicted that the child his mother bore was an “angel who would one day restore her sight”, which he did some years later.

In 1374, he entered the Order of St. Dominic near his native city of Valencia, Spain. He committed much of the Bible to memory and was soon commissioned to deliver lectures on philosophy. He was renowned for his preaching and known to have a gift of prophecy.

After receiving his doctorate, he labored for 6 years in his home town and began accompanying Cardinal Pedro de Luna who later became Pope. He was summoned by the Pope as Master of the Sacred Palace and caught between the rival claimants to the Papacy. He was unsuccessful in preventing the Great Schism.

He refused all ecclesiastical dignities, including becoming a Cardinal, as he regarded many bishops as negligent leaders distracted by luxury and craved being a missionary as his true calling.

With the gift of tongues, he was understood by those of different languages and he evangelized in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Flanders, England, Scotland and Ireland. Numerous conversions followed his preaching, with God granting many miracles on his journey. He was successful in bringing thousands of Europeans into the Catholic Church during a very critical and divisive period.

He denounced greed, blasphemy, sexual immorality and popular disregard for the Truths of the Faith.

Though the Church was divided by the Great Schism, he was received honorably throughout by all. He lived to behold the end of the schism and the election of Pope Martin V.

He died on April 5, 1419 and has more recently become the namesake of a traditional Catholic community.
“If you truly want to help the soul of your neighbor, you should approach God first with all your heart.”

He is the patron saint of builders because of his fame for “building up” and strengthening the Church.

He is the patron saint of brick makers, builders, hospital workers, pavement workers, and plumbers.

His feast day is April 5.

For God’s Glory.

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Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.