Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.

Blessed Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrocchi

Maria and Luigi were beatified as a married couple. The first of the Church.

Maria Corsini was introduced to Luigi through her father, who was a friend of Luigi’s adopted family. They both enjoyed literature, music, theatre, and the beauty of nature and travel. The attraction was immediate. Luigi was a lawyer and Maria was a professor and published writer in the field of education. She was very conscious of care to the poor and needy.

Married in 1905, they had four children. The 4th child had a long, painful and life-threatening pregnancy with physicians recommending an abortion which her and Luigi both rejected resolutely. They placed their trust in God and the Virgin Mary. After the birth, their first act was to Thank God.

They strove to better themselves by correcting their shortcomings and improving their characters. They felt a tremendous responsibility in front of God who had entrusted the children to their care. They were ready to avoid everything that could harm them implying some personal sacrifices. They enjoyed sports and trips to the seashore and mountains as relatives and friends recall the “noisy joy” that encompassed them. They were consecrated together as a family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

They wanted their children to appreciate life “from the roof up”, concentrating on Heaven. Their home was a “little Bethany” where love for one another in God reigned supreme. Two of the children became priests and the 3rd, a nun.

During WWII in Italy, their home was a beacon of faith and charity during the frightful German occupation. No one suffering from the effects who came knocking at their door was ever turned away or refused food. Their home remained open to refugees, including Jews, for whom they went to heroic lengths for.

For God’s Glory.

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Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.