Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.

Blessed John Paul I

“If someone had told me I would be Pope one day, I would have studied harder.”

Albino Luciani was the oldest of 4, born in the northern Italian town of Forno di Canale in 1912. His father was a bricklayer and he entered the minor seminary of Feltre in 1923 where his teachers found him “too lively”.

He was ordained a priest in 1935 and served as a curate in his native town before becoming a professor and vice-rector of Belluno seminary, teaching dogmatic and moral theology, canon law, and sacred art. He sought a doctorate in theology and his thesis earned him his doctorate magna cum laude.

After WWII, he quickly ascended from vicar general to Bishop and by 1969 was appointed Patriarch of Venice by the Pope. Pope Paul created the position of Cardinal-Priest for him and Catholics were struck by his humility.

At the age of 65, on the 4th ballot, he was elected Pontiff but had to be encouraged by the Cardinals to accept it. He believed he was unfit. He chose the regnal name of John Paul, which was the 1st double name in the history of the papacy. It was to honor his two immediate predecessors who had encouraged him and given him direction. He was affectionately known as “the Smiling Pope” and “God’s Smile”. Mother Teresa stated that “He has been the greatest gift of God, a sunray of God’s Love shining in the darkness of the world.”

After his election, he quickly made several decisions that would “humanize” the office. He was the 1st to refuse the Sedia Gestatoria, a portable throne, and the traditional papal coronation.

He was found dead sitting up in his bed just 33 days into his papacy. The Vatican reported a heart attack but an autopsy was not performed and there were inconsistent statements following. This has given rise to the suspicion of murder. One of those is Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio, a Free Mason, who was working to have liberal bishops appointed. He was the last to have seen the Pope alive as they had a very stern argument earlier the same night. It was believed to be about the Cardinal’s removal from the congregation by the Pope and, as he was head of the Vatican Bank, the Pope’s plan to reveal financial fraud in connection with the Bank.

Pope John Paul I was beatified on September 4th,2022.

“I come without five lire, I want to leave without five lire.”

For God’s Glory.

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Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.