Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.

Blessed Chiara Badano

Chiara Badano was born in 1971 in Sassello, Italy. Her parents had prayed for 10 years for a child. They felt she belonged to God before she belonged to them.

She was a typical child, who occasionally got into trouble but would soon see the error in her ways. She was very active and received a Catholic education from her parents. They believed they should teach more by example than words.

Even though she had a close group of friends, she was teased for her strong religious convictions and they even called her, “Sister.”

At the age of 9, she was introduced to the Focolare Movement, founded by Blessed Chiara Lubich, and it had a profound impact on her. At the age of 16, she had met Chiara, the founder, who gave her the nickname of “Luce,” which means “light. Lubich wrote, “Your luminous face shows your love for Jesus.”

Back at home, while playing tennis, she experienced a sharp pain in her shoulder, and after rounds of tests, they found an aggressive form of bone cancer. It did not dampen her spirits and she did not complain; “It’s for you, Jesus; If you want it, I want it, too.”

So much did she desire to be united with Christ, that she didn’t want her mental faculties diminished by pain medication, so she refused it. So much did she desire to be united with Christ in the poor and vulnerable, that when she was sick in the hospital, she chose to spend her time on walks with patients suffering depression than heed requests for rest.

At the end of her life she stated, “I have nothing left, but I still have my heart, and with that I can always love.”

She faced death planning her funeral as if it were a wedding to the Lord. She chose a white dress as a bride.

“Don’t shed any tears for me. I’m going to Jesus. At my funeral, I don’t want people crying but singing with all their hearts.”

She died on October 7, 1990 with her final words, “Bye, Mom, be happy, because I am.”

Over 2,000 people attended her funeral and was beatified 20 years later by Pope Benedict XVI.

For God’s Glory.

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Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.