Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.

Blessed Elena Aiello

“The Justice of Our Father is most offended.  Men live in their obstinacy of sin.  The wrath of God is near.”

Elena was born in Cosenza, Italy, in 1895.  She was the 3rd of 8 children born to Pasquale and Tereseina Aiello.  Her mother passed at an early age, leaving a large family for her husband to care for.  Her father was a tailor by trade and a man of great faith which he imparted to his children.  The youngest had died at the age of 1 and yet with all of the grief, he still plied his trade and did his best.

Elena was devout and practiced penance on a daily basis, offering prayers for the souls in Purgatory.  Even at around the age of 11 she felt a call to the religious life but her father asked her to put it on hold because of World War I.  She in turn helped refugees, assisted prisoners, nursed invalids, and tended to the dying, never worrying about the dangers.

After the war, her father gave permission but only for the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood.  Her stay was short because of a diseased shoulder after a poor operation and she developed stomach cancer keeping her from holding down liquids.

She was deemed incurable but turned to Saint Rita for help.  While her and her cousin prayed, she saw flames all around Saint Rita’s statue.  That night she dreamt of Saint Rita who told her she wanted devotions held in Montalto in her honor to help rekindle the lost faith of the people.

At the request, Elena started a 1st and 2nd Triduum to Saint Rita.  Elena was told that she’d be cured but the pain in her shoulder would not go away because she was to suffer for the sins in the world.  At the age of 26, her cancer was completely cured.

On Good Friday in 1923, at 3 p.m., her left shoulder was in agony as she prayed her devotions.  Christ appeared in a white garment and wearing a Crown of Thorns.  He asked for her consent and then removed His Crown, placing it on her head.  Blood began to flow and Jesus told her He wanted her to be a victim soul, asking her to suffer for the many sins committed in the world which she accepted.

She experienced the Stigmata each Good Friday.  Doctors reviewed her and could never explain, understand, nor stop the bleeding.

She began having visions with Jesus, the Blessed Mother, Saint Therese of Lisieux, and Saint Francesco Paola.  The many Prophecies of Elena Aiello have been documented.

At the age of 33, she founded a new religious order and named it Minim Sisters of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Pope Pius XII, who knew Elena, gave pontifical approval for the order in 1949.

She bore the Stigmata each Good Friday until right before her death in 1961.

Her beatification was in September 2011.

For God’s Glory.

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Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.