Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.

Saint John Bosco

“Never seek advice from the proud or the inexperienced.”

John Bosco was born in Becchi, Italy after the end of the Napoleonic wars, drought and famine that ravaged the area. He lost his father when he was 2. Raised by his mother, they were very poor but still found enough to share with the homeless.

In one of his vivid dreams when he was younger, he encountered boys who swore and blasphemed God. Among them were a majestic man and woman who told him that meekness and charity would conquer. The lady said to be strong, humble and robust. He would have to change their behavior with kindness, not anger. The dream influenced him the rest of his life.

At an early age, after witnessing a traveling circus with magic tricks, he learned how to perform them himself to hold an audience of which he would later recite the homily he had heard that day. He would then pray and ask his neighbors to join him.

He wanted to be a priest but needed an education to do so. He found a priest willing to teach him. His older brother became jealous, whipped him and ridiculed him but John was not deterred. He left home when he was 12 hastened by his brothers hostility. He entered a seminary and after 6 years of study and preparation, he was ordained a priest in 1841.

While a priest in Turin, a city where many poor kids had to sleep in the streets, he felt compassion and not only prayed with them and entertained them with his magic tricks, he founded a home for 700 of them. He fought business owners who had abused and used the children. He established the Society of St. Francis de Sales and founded schools where children could learn trades and professions that suited their gifts. He created contracts for the business owners to abide by apprenticeships that treated the workers with dignity. Many of the business owners were angered by this, accused him of political subversion, and there were attempts on his life.

By the time he had passed away in 1888, him and his order had started more than 250 schools all over the world for more than a hundred thousand children. The call for canonization after his death was immediate.

“All armies are useless unless assisted by God.”

“Do good while you still have time.”

“Remember the precept that St. John the Evangelist used to give to his disciples: “Love one another.” Since it is not a mere exhortation, but a command, it would be sinful to do otherwise. Therefore, do away with insults, quarrels, envy, revenge, mockery, or bad will. Be good to one another. This will prove that you love each other like brothers.”

“Be brave and try to detach your heart from worldly things.”

He is the patron saint of apprentices, editors and publishers, school children, magicians, and juvenile delinquents.

His feast day is January 31.

For God’s Glory.

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Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.