Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.

Saint Roch

Roch was born in 1285 in Montpelier, France, the only child of wealthy parents. His mother was thought to be barren, so to many, his birth was considered miraculous. He was born with a red cross on his chest which increased in size as he grew up.

From early on he was very spiritual due to the influence of his mother. He followed his mother in fasting twice a week. Both of his parents died when he was 20 and on his father’s deathbed, he was made governor of Montpelier, a position he did not want. He turned it over to his uncle, gave away all of his wealth, and began a journey to Rome.

His travels took him to areas that were hit hardest by the plague. Wherever he went, healings took place with many miracles through his prayers.

In Rome, he healed a cardinal from the plague by making the sign of the cross on his forehead which miraculously remained.

He never took himself seriously until he had realized that the Lord had given him this great gift. He discovered that he was no longer spared from the deadly disease and contracted it in his leg, forcing him to leave his ministry of the sick as he did not want to burden anyone with his illness. He commended himself to God, prayed and awaited his death in a remote and abandoned forest hut. A local nobleman’s hunting dog found and befriended him, bringing him bread daily and licking his wounds. A spring arose nearby and to provide him water. He was healed and the dog had brought his owner to tend to his needs.

Roch believed the Lord was calling him back home so he headed to Montpelier. Upon his return, he found the city at war. With reasons unknown, he was arrested by the orders of his uncle and thrown into prison. He languished for 5 years and died in 1327. Although they tried to keep his death hidden, the people recognized Roch because of his well known birthmark. A great church was erected in veneration in 1653 and houses some of the most precious religious art collections.

He is the patron saint of bachelors, cattle and their owners, diseases, dogs and their owners, invalids, relief from pestilence, pilgrims, physicians, plagues, prisoners, surgeons, tile makers, and Patricia, Italy.

For God’s Glory.

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Weekly highlighting those who give their lives to God.